Friday, May 20, 2011

Trip to Tallahassee!!

Mother's Day weekend we took McKenzie down for her 1st trip to Tallahassee. Jason and I stayed at Devan's while Nana, Papa and Aunt Ashley took McKenzie in the hotel. Uncle Dicky, Aunt Pam and RJ came for the weekend too.
Friday we went to the baseball game where McKenzie met all of the crew I used to sit with. This is what I miss the most about being away from Tallahassee - my baseball friends. It was so good to see them!
Saturday we went and ate Red Elephant, which was my fave pizza place when I lived in Midtown. One of my former (well 3 really-  I taught triplets) student's dad owns the place. We ran into Spencer whom I taught as a 7th grader and is now a senior. I can't believe I've taught that long! Then we went to the baseball game that night too. McKenzie thinks Doak Campbell stadium is a castle - I agree!
Sunday was Mother's Day but we had to go home. We met Momma and Daddy for breakfast and then hung out at Devan's. Then we ate Sonny's and headed back to Georgia. On our way up we stopped at a friend's house in South Georgia that we don't see often.
It was a great weekend and hopefully we can do it again sometime soon.

McKenzie liked the baseball

 She was so happy to see Go Noles!

Jason and Devan

Me and Ash

 So I didn't get a picture of me, Jason and Kenz but I got a great one of RJ, Ash and Kenz

 Doing the War Chant!!!

McKenzie loves Devan!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Greenie Me

I know its about a month since Earth Day but I wanted to share my Green experiences. Prior to having McKenzie I didn't really care about recycling or conserving resources. Since then its been the opposite. I don't know if its being a Mom or what but I've become a real greenie. I'm not a total tree hugger but here is what I have been doing.

1. Recycling
    The recycling center is just down from the house and I've been taking things there for about a year now. Just this month they've finally started picking up our recycling. I take plastic, aluminum, paper and glass. Now I can put all of that except the glass in the bin. I've been collecting at school and I even had a student bring me 2 HUGE bags of plastic to take to the center. I also take the Styrofoam trays/egg cartons and the plastic bags to Publix because they have recycling there. I've noticed we don't have as much trash in our can since I've been doing the recycling.

     I also bring my own bags when i shop. I used to only do it at Publix but now I'll take them in to any store. Its easier to carry those bags than the plastic ones and they are cuter. It frustrates me when I go somewhere and I have no bags in the car. These bags are also great to take on trips or picnics because they hold so much.

3. Fresh Air and Natural Sunlight
      Our AC broke last month and while we were waiting to get a new one we opened the windows and let the fresh air in. It was so nice! Since then I've been turning off the air and opening the windows if it isn't too hot and humid. I know this will probably last only another month or so but its nice while it lasts.

4. Clothes Line
      One thing I've been wanting is a clothes line. I have a very shaded back yard so it isn't all that good for a clothes line. So yesterday I decided to get one and put it under our back deck (for those who have never seen my house most houses in North Georgia are split level so my basement isn't underground). Right now I have some of Dixie's blankets hanging on there. From what I understand the dryer takes up 3/4 of your power bill - hopefully I can save some money too!

5. Couponing
    I know this isn't really Earth friendly but it is saving me green!!! I've been cutting coupons for a while but never really used them to their full potential. Now I have them organized in a binder - they are in baseball card sleeves and separated into categories. I've got us down to $225 a month for groceries, toiletries, and pet food this way. And I don't go all over the place to shop. I shop at Publix- with buy one get one and the pet coupons and regular coupons I save a TON, and Target. This summer I'm going to try CVSing and Walgreening too!

Some things I'd like to do before the year ends
1. Herb garden
2. Veggie Garden
3. Composting
4. Collecting Rainwater

Have a wonderful day!!!