Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sittin with Santa

I love to look back at how much my girl has grown over the years. I have a book titled "Sittin with Santa" and it shows my family with Santa through the years. Well here is my "Sittin with Santa" for you.

December 9, 2009
As you can see McKenzie loved Santa her 1st Christmas. We took her to a place called the Avenues because they have FREE pictures with Santa. Since I was unsure how she'd do this was the place for me. They took the picture and then uploaded it to facebook so I could see it.

 December 8, 2010
Year 2 was not a great year for McKenzie and Santa. She loved the idea of him, but did not want to get close to him. We tried a mall photo first but since she got so upset we opted to try for the free photo at the Avenues again. I personally love this picture! It was FREEZING outside so they opted for the photos with Santa to be in Barnes and Noble, which was great because McKenzie loved playing with the train table afterwords.

 November 30, 2011
This year we went to the Avenues again. I have learned my lesson about Santa photos. We also went earlier because Momma and Daddy were taking McKenzie the next day to Pensacola for the weekend. I wanted to make sure I was there with her for Santa so we went early. This year it was cold again but instead of inside Barnes and Noble it was outside in front of a fireplace at the Aspen Grille. I was a little worried about McKenzie and Santa but she did great. I had to shake his hand first but she warmed right up to him. In the picture above she is really excited about the candy cane.

 Giving Santa a hug

 "I want Jessie and her hat, please"
All McKenzie has been saying for a month is she wants Santa Claus to bring her Jessie and her hat. She has a Woody and his hat already so Jessie will be a perfect addition to the family. I don't really know the obsession with the hat but its cute.

Tomorrow I hope to post about mine and Jason's trip to Washington, D.C. but I am getting a cold so I don't know if I'll feel up to it. I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year. I love looking back and realizing how good I have it an seeing all I have to be thankful for. I have been in such an unhappy place because there are some things that haven't gone my way recently. It took me really thinking about Thanksgiving realize how good I have it. I have a wonderful husband and daughter. I have a job. I have a house. I have a great family. Sometimes I just get so selfish and jealous of what others have I don't see what I have.

Anyways, enough about that. This year for Thanksgiving we went to Leesburg. We had some great times with the family. Jason got to spend a night at the fish camp with just him, his dad and brother. We took Jeff Bell's jet skis and Big Fish's boat out on the lake. McKenzie loves the boat. We also found out that we are going to be an Aunt and Uncle! After waiting for a few years Ted and Denise are going to have a baby in June. I'm super excited for them and for McKenzie to have a cousin.

Here are some pictures from the weekend!

McKenzie in the skirt my Momma made

 McKenzie and Travis playing football after Thanksgiving dinner

 McKenzie and Travis

 McKenzie loved playing the banjo with PawPaw

 McKenzie washing potatoes in the bowl MawMaw used with her Grandma to wash potatoes in when she was a little girl