Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Decorations

Just thought I'd leave some pictures of mt Christmas decorations. There is one of me holding the "Mom to Be" ornament that Momma and Daddy sent me. I'm 24 weeks exactly in the picture.

The Big tree and the mantle ... you can see Dixie's favorite spot to sit as well.

The real tree Jason got me ... with colored lights, tinsle and a star on top its the opposite of any tree I've ever had before. As you can see Hope likes the tree

The stair way ... you can sort of see the real tree and my diningroom decorations in the background.

Hope also likes to sit under the big tree ... she thinks she's hiding.

Me with my ornament and 24 week belly. She's a growin!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Aww, you look so cute! I love your decorations!! And we got a real tree last year and my cats were all up in it!! It's funny how cats are so interested in real trees!