I love spring! Its my second favorite time of year (a runner up to fall). I love baseball and warm weather and those both start in the spring. We spend a ton of time out at the softball and soccer fields. Jason is coaching and playing on 2 church softball teams and coaching a 12 and under girls soccer team. So Thursday we went as usual to the ball park. Kenz got a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse folding chair for her birthday so we decided to bring it out on this particular day. She sat in it for a while but then got bored and decided to play in the dirt. She also ate some pineapple out there so the dirt stuck to her hands and ended up all over her face. She was a mess! We did have a little mishap with the chair too. Kenzie was getting out of it and fell and scraped her knee. It bled some but she never cried. I'm so proud of her! Here are some pictures from Thursday....
Sitting in her chair

Pointing to Mickey Mouse

My dirty faced little girl

Kenzie's 1st boo boo
In other news McKenzie is into EVERYTHING! She climbs on things and pulls things around. She has some new words and her vocab seems to be increasing day by day. Here are Kenzie's words:
Mama, Dada, Deecee (Dixie), Ope (Hope), Dia (Lydia the babysitters daughter), bawl (ball), bat (bath), gook (book), day do (thank you)
She's so sweet! She likes to drink her milk in someones lap. She hugs me or Jason or Dixie too. Kenzie dances a lot and loves for Whit (the babysitters son) to play the guitar. She does the war chant and claps when you say "Go Noles". Basically she is wonderful and Jason and I love her more than you can imagine!