Monday, August 4, 2008


Well, most of you know by now that I am pregnant. And most all of you are suprised because you didn't expect us to get pregnant so soon. So here is our pregnancy story.
At the end of June Jason and I had a conversation about maybe starting to try to have kids. This is about a year earlier than we expected this conversation would come up so we prayed about it and decided I'd get off birth control and we'd just let God do what he wanted to do. I took my last pill on June 29th. We knew that most people take months to get pregnant and we were totally ok with that, but we didn't want anyone else to know we were trying. I just didn't want everyone to ask "so, are you pregnant yet?" every time I saw them. So the end of July rolls around and its about that time and I don't start on the Tuesday I'm supposed to, or the Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. So I got a pregnancy test and took it just to see. Well, I got a cheap one from Publix and it was a faint plus. So the next day I got a name brand one and it was definantly a positive. Jason and I decided to wait to tell everyone until I went to the doctor and made sure. So I went Thursday July 31st and he told me I was 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant and due April 1st! Then we called and got to suprise everyone. It was so much fun!!!!

Jason and I are really excited and we pray everything goes well. I go back on August 28th for my next visit and ultrasound. I'll get to hear the heartbeat then. We should be able to find out what the baby is right before Thanksgiving and I know Jason is ready for that. Here are a couple of pictures for you to enjoy. Pray that everything goes well with my pregnancy. So far its been really good!!

Its kinda blurry but you can see the 2 pink lines for a positive Yay! I'm pregnant!!!! My belly before the baby starts to show - I was 4 weeks and 5 days


KT said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!!! I can't wait to keep up to date on your pregnancy!
The first appt takes FOREVER to get here, but they come quicker after that.
My advice ...don't ready everything online. Those sites got my anxious.
I will be praying for your lil miracle!!

Heather said...

YAY! I am so happy for you and that we have eachother to talk to about this wonderful part of life! I can't wait to raed all about what's to come!

Jo said...

Congratulations Pam!!!! I am so excited for you guys!

Cy's momma said...

You look adorable congrats !! I started a blog too its Cysmomma