Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Resolutions 4 and 5

Ok, Ok I promise this is the last of my New Years Resolutions.

Resolution #4 - Reduce Debt
Most everyone has this as a resolution and Jason and I are no exception. While we are not up to our eyeballs in debt we would like to become more debt free. We have a couple of credit cards, student loans, car loans, and a house we'd like to work towards paying off. I'd just really not have to send out these payments evrey month. We're going to start with the credit cards and then work our way up. I have the Dave Ramsey "Total Money Makeover" I'm going to read soon. I know lots of people who have been helped by his book so I'm going to try and be one of those. I'd love to get stuff payed off and then start a wedding and college fund for McKenzie.

Resolution #5 - Do stuff for myself
I'm really bad about doing things that need to be done and not what I want to do. I LOVE to read but I often put it off because the house needs to be cleaned or I want to watch TV with Jason or whatever else gets in the way. I am currently reading the "Percy Jackson and the Olympicans" series. The books are so good! The Lightning Thief will be a movie coming out in February ... you should read the books before the movie, especially if you like mythology.
Other things I enjoy but don't do that often :
Go see musicals (ok, these are expensive but I'd like to see one or two this year)
Get a pedicure (I love them but don't like spending money)
Go shopping at Goodwill
Have a picnic
Go to museums/ historical sites
Blog (I'm actually doing this during my planning at work instead of getting ready for my sub tomorrow)

Anyways, thats all for now. Tomorrow we go for McKenzie's 9 month checkup so more tomorrow!

1 comment:

KimC said...

I'll go to a musical with you! Seriously, I'll drive up there to go!